PREP TIME: 15 mins


250g (2 cups) all-purpose flour
400g (2 cups) sugar
77g (3/4 cup) cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 + 1/2 teaspoons
baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
250mls (1 cup) buttermilk (homemade is perfect)
125mls (1/2 cup) canola oil or melted coconut oil
2 large eggs
2 teaspoon vanilla extract
250 (1 cup) boiling water
Buttercream (same one as these cupcakes)
1. Preheat oven to 175C (350F) and line two 8″ (20 cm) cake tins with baking paper.
2. In a large bowl, sift the flour, sugar (yes the sugar – enhances the texture), cocoa, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Whisk well and set aside.
3. In a separate bowl, mix together the buttermilk, canola oil, eggs, and vanilla. Gently stir this in to the dry mixture until just combined. Then add hot water and mix until well incorporated (but try not to over mix).
4. Pour cake batter evenly into cake tins (I like to use scales to get both layers perfectly even) and bake for 30 minutes or until skewer comes out clean when inserted into the cake.
5. Once cakes are slightly cool, transfer cakes to a cooling rack. Once completely cool, whip up your favourite buttercream (or the one suggested – I love adding chocolate ganache to it). Level cakes with a bread knife and ice/frost.
See below for more on this delicious super popular chocolate cake…


It’s finally here – my most ordered, most popular chocolate cake recipe.
This has to be my all time favourite; my most used and most popular chocolate cake recipe. Since having been back from materinty leave, cake orders in the Cakery have been streaming in. But do you know what? Out of all the cakes I’ve made since being back – all of them have been this popular chocholate cake recipe. I think that’s saying something about how much people love this cake. Because of this, I thought it was time I share it with you so that you can make it in your own kitchen too.

So why is this such a popular chocolate cake?
1. It is made with oil (no butter) which makes it irresistibly moist and moorish.
2. It is incredibly easy and quick to make
3. It is better than your average chocolate cake
4. The buttermilk provides acidity which enhances the fluffy, light texture as well as flavour
5. The hot water ‘blooms’ the cocoa which creates a lovely dark colour and enriches the flavour also.

Have I convinced you to try this popular chocolate cake yet?
If not, I hope these pictures can help entice you. I can’t even tell you how many mouthfuls of this chocolate cake I have had, but it’s definitely a lot and it still happens to be my favourite. I never seem to get sick of it. Ever.

BTW, did I mention that you don’t even need a cake mixer for this recipe? There’s no elbow grease required. Just a good ‘ol bowl and whisk will do the job perfectly!
With so many perks, I’m feeling quite confident that this will become a popular chocolate cake recipe for you too.
If you love the cake in cupcake form, then head over here for the recipe.